master Du Fu Kun

master Du Fu Kun

Was born in Peking in 1950.

His family has its origins in the province of He Bei, which is where his martial arts master Mr. Zhang Bao Yang, came from before coming to the capital city.

Martial arts master Zhang was the disciple of the now deceased enlightened grand martial arts master and Taoist,the legendary Wang Ji Wu , who came from the province of Shanxi (the city of Tai Yuan), Xin Yi Quan´s place of origin, and was also a good friend of Du Fu Kun´s father. When the martial arts master Du was 17, he already had several years´ training in Shaolin Wu Shu, namely Chang Quan and Mi Zhong Quan. He injured himself while working however, and the grand martial arts master Wang became his healer. The young Du Fu Kun wanted to repay him for his healing, so he started to help and take care of the old Wu Shu grandmaster. At the same time he wanted to become his student, as Mr.Wang was already a living legend at the time. He only succeeded in this after 3 years.

The Xin Yi Quan style of Wu Shu has a tradition, that studying it is restricted to people with a good character, and 3 years was the ideal time-limit for the martial arts master to get to know his future student and to decide whether or not he would teach him. Du Fu Kun became grand martial arts master Wang´s disciple, but as the latter was relatively old, he often sent him to train with his best student Zhang Bao Yang. This is why Mr. Zhang Bao Yang is Du Fu Kun´s martial arts master. At the same time master Du studied medicine (traditional and Western) at secondary school, and after several years´ practice, he graduated from the Peking Medical University. He first visited Czechoslovakia in 1992 as a tourist and a year later travelled there as a delegate for the Peking Wu Shu Association. He has moved to Prague for good and works there as a doctor. He also has several students.

compiled by Paul Frost - translation Rada Milenkovic